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Center for Digital Communication Studies established at ZJU


Editor: Author: Date:2020-12-27 11:28:59 Hits:129

HANGZHOU—On December 27, Zhejiang University witnessed the dedication ceremony of the Center for Digital Communication Studies on an academic forum themed “Going Digital: Building Journalism and Communication of Chinese Characteristics”.

At the forum, scholars of journalism studies from various universities together with experts from the State Council and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences convened to discuss the future orientation of the curriculum system for journalism and communication studies with Chinese characteristics.

Dr. Wu Zhaohui, president of Zhejiang University, delivered a keynote speech in which he stated his expectations to see close cooperation between industry and academia to boost the construction of the Center for Digital Communication Studies. He is looking forward to building systems of curriculum, academia and discourse for journalism and communication studies with Chinese characteristics that will promote cultural prosperity in the new era.

The collaboration between academia and industry was encouraged by Prof. Mi Bohua, dean of the Fudan University School of Journalism. Not only did Prof. Mi express his appreciation for Zhejiang University’s efforts and achievements, but he also advocated for future journalism education to be carried out with a digital approach.

The ceremony was chaired by Prof. Wei Lu, dean of the College of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University. Prof. Wei expressed his sincere gratitude and warm welcome to guests who attended the ceremony including representatives from prestigious national universities, the media industry and the government.

Zhejiang University is determined to contribute to digital communication in China with its unique paradigm. In the future, Zhejiang University will strive to stay up to date with the latest breakthroughs in digital media and will make joint efforts with relevant sectors to facilitate journalism and communication studies with Chinese characteristics.

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